Walking on the Freeway, 2003
Materials: Single channel video, duration 3.39 mins
The freeway system in Los Angeles simultaneously operates as a network for access to, and the obliteration of, the landscape. Elevated and disengaged, freeway users fly over suburbs and cities at speeds of 60 to 90 mph, making engagement with the surrounding landscape little more than a glancing encounter. In the traditional sense of a public space, the freeway is a contradiction, a site for distraction rather than social engagement. Unlike the historical notion of a public space, the freeway (like so many other contemporary 'public' spaces) is not a site for debate or expressions of democracy, instead it is an intensely private and detached space. The act of walking on the freeway is a small transgression, at once banal and dangerous. Screened at d>Art2004 Emerging Screen and Black Box, Australian Centre of Photography 2004.